Sustainability @ HFE

At HFE, sustainability is not merely a buzzword; it is embedded in our corporate ethos and at the heart of our operations and business strategy. We are determined to make a difference and create a cleaner and greener planet, not just through our business, i.e. generation of clean energy but also by the way in which we conduct our business – with due sensitivity for the environment, people and the society at large.

As we celebrate a decade of excellence, our goal is to grow five times in the next five years, thereby powering the global energy transition and paving the way for a sustainable tomorrow. We have adopted best practices in projects and plant operations to minimize carbon footprint, water consumption, material consumption, damage to biodiversity and waste generation.

To further drive our sustainability efforts, we are embracing a digital-first approach by enabling remote work at our office locations. This not only offers comfort and convenience to our employees and organisation but also significantly reduces our carbon footprint, making a tangible difference in the fight against climate change.

All our sustainability measures are taken with an eye on the future and the aim to generate value for our company and our stakeholders. At HFE, sustainability is a core objective, and we remain committed to meeting global benchmarks on ESG as we contribute to a greener and cleaner planet.


1.2 GW
Capacity (solar)
0.6 GW
Capacity (wind)
Helped mitigate 2.7 million tonnes
of CO₂ in the course of FY 2022-23

Near Miss Reported
5% increase on Y-O-Y

Training Man Hours
10hrs per person/per year

First Aid Cases reported
5% decrease on Y-O-Y

Lost Time Injury

Fatal Accident

Sustainability reports

ESG Targets Aligned with UN SDGs

At HFE, we strive to integrate our business operations and corporate culture with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). HFE is committed to achieving the 17 SDGs set by the United Nations to achieve a sustainable and equitable world. We have aligned our ESG targets with SDG goals to reduce our carbon footprint, provide clean and accessible energy, embrace sustainable practices, and promote learning opportunities, and community well-being. Our portfolio of renewable energy projects, energy storage solutions, and partnerships with stakeholders help us in our journey towards a more sustainable future.
  • Inventorise Scope 3 emissions by 2024-25
  • Achieve net neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025
  • Become water-positive by 2026
  • Plant 100,000+ trees
  • Identify climate-related risk and opportunities in line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Carbon Disclosure Report (CDP)
  • Identify high-level decarbonization levers (internal carbon price)
  • Increase proportion of females in the workforce to 30% by 2025
  • Maintain Zero fatalities and Zero reportable loss time injuries each year
  • Ensure Zero complaints against violation of human rights each year
  • Approximately 3,000 rural children to be educated through ASHA centres
  • Upskill 1,000+ youth by setting up skill centres across project sites
  • Set up 100 Asha centres by 2030
  • Ensure 100% compliance with laws nd regulations
  • Ensure zero incidents of corruption
  • Promote adoption of green code of ethics amongst suppliers
  • Adopt sustainable, efficient and low-cost RE solutions across HFE’s operations